Last August, astronomers working on the analysis of data being acquired by NASA’s WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe) satellite announced that they found a huge void in the universe.
(...) The dimension of the hole is so big that at first glance, it results impossible to explain under the current cosmological theories, although scientists put forward some explanations based on certain theoretical models that might predict the existence of “giant knots” in space known as topological defects. However, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill physics Professor Laura Mersini-Houghton made a staggering claim. She says, “Standard cosmology cannot explain such a giant cosmic hole” and goes further with the ground-breaking hypothesis that the huge void is “… the unmistakable imprint of another universe beyond the edge of our own“.
DNA Genetics, Paternity, CSI & General Science: Evidence for a parallel universe?
BBC: Great 'cosmic nothingness' found
New Scientist: The void: Imprint of another universe?
Inquietante. Por suerte, para cuando descubran todo sobre ese "void" ya estaremos todos muertos.